Worried about making quotas, distributing territories evenly, or forecasting accurately? Fullcast makes it easy to manage all of your operations in one AI-driven, automated platform.

As a CRO, you’ve got problems. We’ve got solutions.

For the past three decades, we’ve operated as sales leaders using tools and processes that are, well, challenging. Faced with misaligned accounts, a lack of transparency, a failing sales culture, and execution often falling short of SKO promises, here are some of the most common problems and how we have fixed them with Fullcast.

I spend way too much time managing accounts between FP&A and spreadsheets. With data placed on separate systems, it’s hard to trust the results and even harder to execute plans. Is there an easier way to stay on pace with dynamic sales accounts?

A dynamic revenue model needs a centralized, agile system that quickly provides current, accurate data to customize segments. With our AI-enabled SmartPlan, you can now upload your segments and accounts to a central location, set your rules and conditions with unlimited dependencies, and get your territories in 30 minutes. For real.

My CFO gave me this FP&A software to use to save money. Will that give me what I need to succeed?

We get this a lot. CFOs are under the gun to control costs and consolidate tools whenever possible, so they’ll hand you a broom and ask you to mop the floor. But financial planning is very different from sales planning, with different processes and a different construct for analysis.
As you know, sales planning can only be done successfully in the context of account segmentation, whether by geography, industry, market, etc. So we built it that way. FP&A software simply can’t plan, track, or manage in real time like you need it to—plus, the costs to jimmyrig/implement it often outweigh the actual price of the platform.

My sales accounts no longer match the initial plans and goals of SKO. I’m feeling a little overwhelmed and unsupported. What can I do?

Without a sales management tool like Fullcast, it’s hard to stay focused on the initial goals of an annual plan that was prepared using spreadsheets and measure progress. It’s often out of sight, out of mind with spreadsheets. With the dynamic capabilities of Fullcast, you can easily drill down into the pipeline, projected close dates, sales cycles, and win/loss ratios by account. You can then collaborate with the marketing team to focus pipeline development in the segments that need it most. This level of detail is needed to truly forecast correctly.

My sales team is upset, and it feels like our team’s culture is going down the tubes. They say I’m not dividing the accounts evenly. Frankly, I don’t feel totally confident in segmenting accounts, either. How can I ensure that they are equitable?

Inequitable territories are especially dangerous for two reasons: First, you are in danger of losing millions in revenue by making some territories broader than reps can cover, which can cause them to cherry pick.

Second, team culture takes a serious hit in the teamwork department.

Because accounts are being double worked, they are unclear, they are not being transferred seamlessly, and top reps are giving up on their management to figure it out.

Sales reps are also frustrated because they saw a plan at the SKO and no one has referred to it for over six months. What happened? Why is it not being followed, and where is the accountability?

Fullcast’s SmartPlan AI can change all that. With the click of a button, you can balance account segments while taking into account holdouts and TBHs and otherwise minimize disruption.

I’ve always used spreadsheets to manage my territories. What’s wrong with that?

If you love pivot tables, have fewer than 20 reps, love doing manual data entry, don’t mind data errors, and have two months to spare, we think spreadsheets are a good solution for you. For everyone else, there’s Fullcast.

If you’re using a spreadsheet to plan sales, then you’ve got to make account assignments manually—account by account, person by person. That usually takes two to six months and often results in duplicates and other mistakes. Then, you have to load the assignments into your CRM with a mass data upload. Most people then make changes directly in the CRM. The problem with that is that there’s no out-of-the-box historical lookback to show when changes were made or who the sales support team was. Multiple people claim commission for the account. Mass chaos ensues, spreading discontent.

I’m trying to show my CEO that I need to hire resources to make quota. How do I get the data I need to prove my case?

Let’s say you need to achieve $10 million in revenue this quarter. You know that, based on win rate, you need about 4x pipeline per rep to make your bookings number ($40M pipeline). You also know that each rep can book approximately $1 million per quarter. And you know you have eight salespeople ($32M pipeline). So… that means you’re $8M short.

By using a central place to analyze synced data, teams get total visibility of resource allocation, customer activity, and overall territory design. You know you’ve got to get $8M more somewhere–whether it’s hiring two people, increasing quotas, or putting pressure on the marketing team to deliver more. With Fullcast, these types of decisions are 99% easier to make.

I’m using the cheap planning software that came with my CRM. Isn’t it good enough?

The fact that it was a cheap add-on with the software should be your first clue about its limitations. Basic planning software is adequate for initial sales strategies with a small team, but how will you manage future growth? How will you address complexities like holdouts and TBHs? How will you access historical data to understand which sales engineer gets a commission? How will you track performance to plan? Only Fullcast can give you all of this necessary information.

My RevOps team is using Salesforce directly to make account owner adjustments. Now, I have no historical data to see which sales engineers should receive commissions. What can I do?

Salesforce is great for storing data. It is designed to work in the moment and present a snapshot of a current business environment. But it doesn’t natively give you a historical lookback, which is essential to understanding a business over a fiscal year. Used in conjunction with Salesforce, teams can leverage historical data for valuable insights on advanced territory management, account allocation, quota management, and scenario planning

I’m having problems with client satisfaction. I will sell the deal and then have no visibility into what my client success team is doing until it’s too late. Then I get pulled back into a red account. How can I fix that?

Siloed teams almost guarantee a chunky, frustrating experience. Fullcast smooths out the onboarding process with a central platform for teams as well as unlimited GTM environments so you can have complete visibility into your whole organization.

I need more pipeline. My marketing team seems totally lost on how to generate pipeline in the areas where I need it. What can I do to provide guidance?

RevOps teams use Fullcast’s automated territory management for optimal sales pipeline distribution and visibility. For example, if Joe only has a 2x pipeline, then the marketing team can leverage real-time data to analyze custom demographics—such as region, industry, opportunity, customer buying status, and other factors—to run campaigns in his region.

The Fullcast Difference: Features That’ll Wow You

With Fullcast, bolster GTM strategies and leverage real-time data on a RevOps platform designed by RevOps experts for RevOps leaders.

What do real-time adjustments to my GTM plan look like with Fullcast?

Fullcast allows CROs to automate their Go-to-Market strategy adjustments directly within Salesforce. Real-time insights and intelligent automation ensure that your team stays aligned and on track, even as market conditions and team compositions change.

Fullcast allows you to ditch the spreadsheets and utilize sophisticated capacity and quota planning tools. Predict and allocate resources efficiently to meet your targets and adapt seamlessly to changes within your team or market.

What kind of ROI and deployment speed can I expect with Fullcast?

Fullcast is not just another tool in the tech stack—it’s a solution that delivers fast and measurable results. With top ROI scores and high ratings on G2, Fullcast is fast to deploy and provides immediate impact.

You can track your performance against your strategic plan with custom dashboards. Fullcast’s real-time data ensures that you can make informed decisions promptly, keeping your revenue goals within reach.

How does Fullcast prevent disruptions in my RevOps?

With plans running in the background on your CRM, Fullcast prevents all disruptions caused by team changes, market shifts, and operational hiccups. It builds end-to-end revenue operations, automating every aspect, from lead routing to account assignments.

How does Fullcast support a positive sales culture and drive unified decision-making?

Fullcast’s automated and adaptive systems create a stable and efficient work environment, allowing your sales team to focus on selling rather than performing administrative tasks. Happy, productive teams lead to higher retention rates and a positive sales culture.

For a chief revenue officer (CRO), the decision to implement a new solution becomes straightforward when all teams are aligned. Fullcast is a complete solution that makes everyone’s job easier.

  • Equips revenue operations (RevOps) leaders with intricate sales territory planning, delivering intelligent insights and enabling informed decision-making that elevates sales strategy. 
  • Provides financial planning and analysis (FP&A) teams with robust financial modeling and forecasting capabilities, supporting precise financial planning and strategic decisions based on real-time data.
  • Benefits sales leaders with comprehensive analytics and insights, allowing them to understand market trends, customer behavior, and the practical implications of new initiatives.
  • Ensures that information technology (IT) teams can seamlessly integrate new technologies with existing systems, maintaining a reliable infrastructure that supports efficient and secure operations.


Empower Your RevOps with Fullcast

Achieve precise sales territory planning, insightful financial forecasting, and strategic decision-making with Fullcast. Begin your journey toward enhanced efficiency and strategic growth with Fullcast and experience the transformative impact on your revenue operations today.