Is Outbound Marketing Dead?

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Fullcast was built for RevOps leaders by RevOps leaders with a goal of bringing together all of the moving pieces of our clients’ sales go-to-market strategies and automating their execution.

That was one of the burning questions at the recent GTM Partners Go-To-Market Made Simple Roadshow in Seattle. Lance Evanson, Fullcast’s chief commercial officer, and Tyler Orr, sales director at Fullcast, were among other sales leaders sharing ideas at this event. 

“Outbound marketing is not dead,” Tyler emphasized. “But how you handle it is a lot more technical, with more filters to bypass. And getting to your audience can be much more difficult through the noise.” 

He added, “The numbers game is not as effective as it was in the early to late 2010s. I find a lot more success with direct [selling] through LinkedIn and calling after a connection is made.” 

GTM Partners recognize that Go-to-Market is evolving faster than RevOps teams can keep up. It pointed out that most funnels focus on sales and marketing efficiency and ignore Go-to-Market motions, including product and customer success. 

Until now.

Product-led growth, account-based marketing, and traditional inbound and outbound strategies have revenue leaders looking for holistic ways to grow their businesses. 

“Attending events, conventions, networking in person and referrals are really making a massive comeback, especially since the pandemic forced a lot of that into the online space,” Tyler said. “Now, people are more receptive once you have met them in person.”

Providing opportunities for decision-makers to talk together and share ideas is a fantastic resource to explore ways to balance traditional yet effective methods with cutting-edge AI-supported technologies that support and magnify customer relationships despite geographic challenges. 

“A big issue now with teams is they are decentralized, so tracking and managing the actual sales structure is way harder,” Tyler said. “Your team lead may be in Idaho while your C-suite is in California and your BDR are across the country. Businesses using legacy methods in antiquated industries are struggling, especially when they are monoliths that have a harder time keeping up with change.”

These challenges make consolidated sales activities on one platform strategic for effective GTM and sales relationships. 

Fullcast understands the delicate balance between delivering personalized experiences with practical, attainable, and replicative objectives that deliver fast results. It’s why we’ve focused on developing AI-backed, data-driven solutions that provide automated territory planning and management, streamlined RevOps functionality, efficient capacity planning, integrated data capabilities for brilliant customer success experiences, and agile adaptability to changing sales cycle indicators. 

Get this: One platform. No spreadsheets. Multiple capabilities. Yeah, we think it’s pretty cool, too. 

Have questions? We’d love to discuss ways one platform can transform your GTM planning.

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Fullcast was built for RevOps leaders by RevOps leaders with a goal of bringing together all of the moving pieces of our clients’ sales go-to-market strategies and automating their execution.