Stop the Blame Game among Sales and Marketing 

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Fullcast was built for RevOps leaders by RevOps leaders with a goal of bringing together all of the moving pieces of our clients’ sales go-to-market strategies and automating their execution.

Do the following scenarios sound familiar? 

  • Marketing campaigns promote features that the sales teams are not aware of or don’t emphasize in their pitches. 
  • Sales disregards leads that marketing has deemed valuable because they don’t align with their current strategy.
  • Marketing promises a personalized customer experience that sales cannot deliver. 
  • Sales invests in tools or launches initiatives without the marketing team’s support.

Before you know it, fingers start pointing in all directions in an attempt to expose the cause of missed quotas and low pipelines. It’s more common than you think. 

“In most organizations, marketing ends up pitted against sales,” said Kelly Hopping, CMO at Demandbase. “The subtle finger-pointing begins, which eventually devolves into a nearly continuous blame game. Sales says, ‘We need better opportunities from marketing,’ and marketing says, ‘We’re giving them opportunities; sales needs to close them.’”

While sales strategy trends vary, 52 percent of sales leaders agree that revenue takes a hit when sales and marketing teams aren’t in sync, and 36 percent say this misalignment interferes with collective success. 

When sales and marketing are in sync, they can effectively share data and insights, which bolsters more targeted and personalized marketing campaigns that directly support sales objectives. It also reduces lead response times, increases conversion rates, and fosters a collaborative environment where both teams work together to refine strategies, optimize performance, and achieve higher revenue growth. 

Streamlined Workflows, Enhanced Communication, and Synced Objectives all Lead to Automation 

Automating sales and marketing processes with a platform that leverages CRM functionality and supports RevOps with a single source of truth is essential for better alignment between these two teams. According to HubSpot, 56 percent of “marketers who use generative AI for content creation say this content performs better than content created without it.”

Keep the Peace with Fullcast

Fullcast aligns sales and marketing by leveraging its comprehensive platform to create seamless collaboration and ensure both teams are working towards common goals. Here’s how: 

  • Integrated Planning

By aligning territories and setting quotas collaboratively, both teams can target the same accounts and regions to ensure that marketing campaigns are supporting sales efforts effectively​.

  • Unified Data and Analytics

The platform provides real-time data and analytics to both sales and marketing teams. This unified data helps teams understand customer behavior, track campaign performance, and quickly identify dynamic opportunities for improvement. 

  • Automated Lead Management

Fullcast automates lead assignment and routing based on predefined criteria, ensuring that high-quality leads generated by marketing are quickly and accurately assigned to the appropriate sales reps. 

  • Performance Tracking and Reporting

Transparency in tracking performance metrics helps measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns in driving sales and allows for adjustments to be made in real time to optimize results​.

  • Shared Goals and KPIs

By having common objectives—such as revenue targets and lead conversion rates—both teams are incentivized to work together and support each other’s efforts​.

  • Collaboration Tools

Seamless collaboration means better communication and coordination between the sales and marketing teams. This single source of truth allows for easy sharing of information, campaign plans, and feedback, which fosters a more collaborative, well-aligned environment​.

“Sales professionals who say they are aligned with their marketing team are 106% more likely to say they are performing better than their sales goals this year,” says Caroline Forsey, principal marketing manager at Hubspot. She adds, “Ultimately, understanding the full start-to-finish buyer’s journey—and which aspects should be owned by marketing, and which by sales—and creating a culture that encourages transparent and clear communication between sales and marketing will be vital for your organization’s success in 2024 and beyond.”

By providing these automated and dedicated functionalities, Fullcast ensures that sales and marketing teams are not working in silos but are instead collaborating effectively to drive business growth.

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Fullcast was built for RevOps leaders by RevOps leaders with a goal of bringing together all of the moving pieces of our clients’ sales go-to-market strategies and automating their execution.