It’s True! Person-Level Intent Data for Your Meta Campaigns

Straight from Google Analytics

Meet Fullcast Datajoin.

A fully automated platform that integrates top web analytics platforms like Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics to empower your data for personalized Go-to-Market campaigns that align with your customer’s journey.

Wait! You mean . . .

I can get person-level data (not company) from GA4 to nurture my Meta campaigns?

That’s right!

Now, it is possible to get 100% accurate person-level data (not 20–30% like the other guys) so you can nurture and remarket to your engaged audiences.

That’s amazing!

I am spending tens of thousands for the other guys’ platforms with crazy setup fees. They say it’s because we can’t get past privacy regulations. How do you do that?

Because Datajoin is an integration . . .

We are not making the person-level data public and violating privacy laws. Device ID-backed data stays private—but you can still nurture ads to your people.

Some Features You’ll LIKE

Analyze audience engagement based on GA4 data.

Mine critical data without any risk of platform privacy policy violations.

Create personalized social media nurture campaigns using GA4 engagement history.

Remarket to your custom audience at strategic points in the buyers journey using the social media platform.

Reduce audience size to focus on engaged target prospects. No wasted ad spend!

Use real behavioral data instead of augmented data.

Build and Export Custom Audiences

With Fullcast Datajoin, you can seamlessly share custom audiences from Google Analytics to Meta. Once your audiences are defined on Google, you can export them to Meta, where they become ready-to-use segments for your ad campaigns on Facebook and Instagram.

Does Your Sales Team Struggle With
Does Your Sales Team Struggle With

Enhance Marketing with Easy Integration

Unlock the full potential of your marketing campaigns by integrating Meta with Google Analytics through Fullcast Datajoin. Our advanced integration allows you to effortlessly transfer high-intent audiences from Google Analytics to Meta, enabling precise targeting and improved campaign performance.

Leverage Behavioral Data

Unlike simpler tools that merely transfer data, Fullcast Datajoin links anonymous website behavior to user profiles on Meta, ensuring that your campaigns reach the right people on all platforms.

Does Your Sales Team Struggle With
Does Your Sales Team Struggle With

Set Up Fast and Get Real-Time Updates

Your matched audiences in Meta will be ready for immediate use, ensuring that your campaigns are always targeting the most relevant users.

No More Wasted Ad Spend

Maximize the value of your data by creating powerful social media nurture campaigns with Datajoin. It’s fast, easy, accurate, compliant, and effective!

Talk with a Datajoin expert for personal assistance or register for an upcoming live demo here:

Learn More about Datajoin